It never is a surprise that some young people do not have a model of holistic living. If we were to choose any account on social media, even the best,  we would never know what that person’s life is like. Yes, the travel, eat, exercise… or we all show that one interest that we want others to enjoy.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean anyone is obligated to share more than they choose to. That is not the point of this post…. but wouldn’t it be wonderful?

I am not talking about emotions, because, God forbid! those are either private or to be shared when one is ready to. I am talking about the symbiotic co-existence between our body, mind, and spirit/soul.

Our Body Is Our Tempel

It doesn’t matter how much we educate ourselves to make a good living. Without a healthy body, that could be all for naught. That is why we are seeing the rise of professionals wanting to help us with our exercise and our food habits.

Is there a one size fit all?

Our body needs nourishment and there is only one way of doing that. Eating the right combination and amount of healthy foods.

Healthy foods - Holistic life -Blog

Too little or too much of anything is unhealthy

The right balance of what your body needs is key… without getting too obsessed, of course. Remember that other part.. our mind.

There have been many changes along the road. Food that was healthy is now seen as unhealthy. Even cigarettes were considered healthy once!

That is why it is important to not just listen to health experts, but also to our bodies. Your body is intelligent. When you eat what your body needs, you feel and look healthy. If you are eating something that is not right for your body (and here I do not generalize), then your body will disagree… and so will your mind and spirit.

Just Like Our Body, Our Mind needs Nourishment

Holistic living is a continuous thing. If we want to maintain balance in our lives, we must also continuously exercise our minds.

Reading skills holistic living Faith Post

A proven and excellent way to nourish our brain is meditation and improving our intellectual skills.

Meditation is a way of giving our conscious minds a break and connection with our sub conscious mind.

We know that what makes us react the way we do is how we process our thoughts and how we feel about the thoughts we process. That is, the state we are in is a direct result of how we feel about our thought.

Some would argue that what happens to us is the reason we react the way we do, but that is not true at all. Two people could have the same experience and have completely different reactions to the experience.

The state we are in is solely controlled by our thoughts.

by the sea holistic living Faith Post

That does not mean that external factors cannot affect us. They do. It is your resourcefulness that comes from earlier experiences in the environment you have been in, that matters.

The most amazing thing is how neuroplasticity helps us change any unwanted reactions. While meditation is wonderful, sometimes, we need more than that to change some of these patterns.

The Need For A Purposeful Life

I believe having a purpose… something to wake it to… is a very important aspect of a fulfilling holistic lifestyle. We have an education system that asks… what would you like to be when you grow up?… but teaches us the need for a job to barely survive.

Plan to change habits - Faith Post - Therapist

An education system should be able to cater to the differences in people… that is a whole different subject. I have talked about purpose, which usually helps build our spirit. You can read that at the link below.

Find Your Purpose